Information and evidence gathering.
Guidance: The partner organisation is required to produce a video or PowerPoint presentation; the following areas need to be featured:
Organisation Overview
- The registered name and address of the organisation.
- Date founded
- Official legal status
- Mission statement
- Aims and objectives
- Organisation structure (Organogram)
- Description of services and courses offered
- Number of students / clients
- Affiliations and connections to other schools and organisations
Physical Overview
Photographs or video evidence of:
- External building/structure
- Grounds, car parks, playing fields
- Classrooms
- Staff rooms
- IT suite
- Communal/student areas
- Dining facilities
- Washrooms and WC
- Offices and admin areas
Due Diligence
Following the completion and submission of the video evidence, the partner organisation will be required to provide the following documentation:
- Any official licence or permit to operate in education sector, issued by the local and/or national government.
- Accreditations and affiliations with national or international bodies.
- Audited accounts for financial compliance with national legislation.
- Details for Solicitors and Accountants acting for the partner organisation.
- Public liability insurance certificates.
Policies and Procedures
UK Accreditation require copies of all policy documentation that the partner organisation possesses. This is not an exclusive list, it is important however, that all documentation that guides the organisation’s business activities are included. Where policies and procedures are deemed to be absent or substandard, UK Accreditation will advise and support their development.
- Health and Safety Policy
- Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
- Complaints Procedure
- Fire Safety Certificates
- First Aid Certificates
- Student / Staff Codes of Conduct
- Digital Privacy Policy
- E-Security Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy
Staffing Structure
The quality and expertise of all employees affects the quality of provision for all organisations. UK Accreditation places great importance on the staffing of all accredited organisations and requires the following documentation and information.
- Job Description and CV for Principal / Director
- Job Descriptions for Senior Management Team
- Teaching staff qualifications (can be grouped and anonymous)
- Number of support staff, including brief Job descriptions
- Certificates of association/affiliation to professional bodies